There are a lot of automobile companies in the world producing excellent cars. Some of the models of cars have become the top-selling automobiles in the world. If you are looking for the best place to buy a new car, look for websites of automobile companies. For example, you can check out Toyota’s website as well as Honda’s or Ford’s. Once you make up your mind, you can go to the showroom for a test drive. But before you can choose a car, consider this list of best-selling cars across the world:
Toyota Corolla
This is by far the best-selling car all across the world. It is reliable and very affordable. Toyota has sold over 40 million Toyota Corollas worldwide. It has a long list of good features at an economical price.
Hyundai Elantra
This car is also called Avante in Korea. It is close to the Toyota Corolla in the number of cars sold. Hyundai is a South Korean manufacturer of automobiles. It has been producing the Elantra since 1990.
Wuling Sunshine
It is popularly used in China to transport goods and people also. It is a microvan which was made by the joint venture of a Chinese and US automobile company. It is a big car and commonly used by people with big families.
Volkswagen Beetle
Almost 21.5 million Volkswagen Beetles have been sold all around the world. It is a classic car and is most popularly used in the US. There have been many models of this car. The 2013 model has a sleek design while the 2018 model is convertible.
Volkswagen Gulf
Volkswagen Gulf is a simple and elegant car with sleek curves. In 1992 this car won the European Car of the Year Award. The 2017 Volkswagen gulf is most commonly used in Europe.
Honda Accord
Just like Toyota, Honda is also producing popularly used cars. The Honda Accord is a reliable car. But at the same time, it is the most popular among thieves. Almost 50000 Accords are stolen each year in the US.
Ford Focus
Ford has sold over 900,000 units in 2017. It is a popular car, mostly in the US.
Kia Rio
This car was recently redesigned from the Iranian models. It is redesigned in the US for global markets.
Ford Fiesta
In 2011, Ford sold almost 781,000 Fiestas all across the world. This is a sign of the popularity of this car. It is a small car. Almost 7 generations have been manufactured globally up till now.
Volkswagen Jetta
Volkswagen has sold around 745000 units of Jetta worldwide. The company is planning to become the biggest automaker in the world. This is evident from the popularity of its cars.
Toyota Camry
The best place to buy a new car is probably Toyota’s showroom. Toyota is producing many best-selling cars in the world, it would be safe to buy a new car from Toyota. Toyota Camry is a comfortable and mid-sized car. The popular 2018 model being sold all over the world.
Chevrolet Cruze
It is a compact car which is manufactured by the US multinational corporation, General Motors. It is one of the best-selling cars in the world since 2008.