This article will demonstrate a few of the essential tips that you should know while feeding your baby. Therefore, in order to know more about details, continue reading this article.
Are You Feeding Your Baby Right?
Well when it comes to a matter of feeding your baby, you should always need to consider breastfeeding your baby at first. This is actually supposed to be your topmost priority. Though it’s a matter of sorrow the truth is many parents these days are not really that much aware of this. They often try to feed their baby with readymade milk bottles that are available in the supermarket or any local store. So breastfeeding your baby should be your first and foremost job.
Do keep one most essential and vital thing in your mind that if your newborn receives proper food, he/she will be able to produce nearly 10 to 12 diapers in a day just because of a steady bowel movement. At the same time, it will also help him/her achieve some weights naturally which is, of course, a very good sign.
But you should need to be alert when your baby awakes. It’s always better not to get stressed a lot when you find your baby is having a very difficult time feeding in the beginning. However, patience and practice are key. Be sure that your newborn baby will bother you in a number of many different ways and you will need to face every single situation with a cool brain.
During the first 24 hours, you will need to nurse your baby for at least 10 to 12 times. However, in this stage, you need not stick to any strict schedule. But after that, you ought to need to nurse your newborn baby at least every 2 to 3 hours a day. Make sure to place your baby in a highly comfortable position. If both of you are in the hospital/clinic/nursing home, then the sisters will take very good care of you both. However, at home, what you can actually do is to appoint a full-time nurse to assist you to take good care of your baby for the first few months. As you are inexperienced, appointing a nurse in this regard will help you learn a lot of new things so you won’t face any difficulties when dealing with the next baby. Hope this is clear.
It might probably take 40 to 50 minutes to feed your baby because in the beginning he/she will surely have some hard times with feeding but you need not worry about that because everything will be completely alright with the passage of time. Try HiPP organic baby formula while feeding your baby because it has numerous benefits. You can also think about having some consultation with a pediatric specialist in order to figure out more in details.
So these are few of the things that should need to be remembered at all times while feeding your baby. Hope it helps to get some ideas at least to properly feed your newborn baby. That’s all for today and thanks for reading!